Decorating & Design

I wish I could remember all the lyrics but I'm having a serious moment of blankness! So I did what the song said and began my shopping for wallpaper.  We are not talking floral wallpaper with a matching boarder- I'm talking about the return of the Grasscloth wallpaper and yours truly got sucked in and has taken the leap to put it on the walls of my dining room.  I just received it today and it is going up on Monday!  Cooper was just as excited to see the UPS truck as me. I had not planned on doing any wallpaper in

Do you remember these tables?  Like I mentioned before, my father in law came in town and I let him work on these to see if this would be something he would enjoy.  He had a good time and I just learned he is working on another piece- so much fun! The picture of the final results are below.  There are so many way to redo furniture but in order to create the look on the side tables the first and most important step was to sand of the previous lacquer. Then he used Milk Paint that I found downtown

I had the pleasure of having coffee with my fabulous friend Joy Lang at our favorite Starbucks the other morning.  She is this sassy, southern doll with a go-getter attitude and this insane talent for being super creative. She came from a small town called Hawkinsville in GA but has made a big city impression on me with her talent for redoing furniture.  She like me is a realtor and has a serious passion for décor.  I’m so happy we crossed paths because she has inspired me so much and has introduced me to other avenues on decorating!

As I slowly renovate the home I feel that the furniture needs an update too.  But of course that requires spending money that wasn’t added to my renovation budget.  So to make some things happen I’ve started to sell my furniture. I’m a vendor at a little shop here in Mount Pleasant called Chic Antique.  I have a talented friend (who will be a guest on my blog) that has shown me how to re-invent my old furniture into something very vogue right now- distressed furniture!  I love doing it, even though finding time is a bit of a challenge,

As I look through the before pictures of our kitchen I cannot help but chuckle to myself. I remember a girlfriend of mine coming over because she was dying to see it, she walked in and saw the kitchen, looked around and all she could say is “uh-huh” over and over again. I tried to explain to her what it was going to look like but she still could not get over the electric blue kitchen cabinets, yes I said electric blue- here’s the picture to prove it. If anyone has ever seen the Carolina Panthers football teams colors

I have watched all of her series from Design Inc, to Sarah's House and now Sarah 101 and this has been only in the past 5 months. I never knew she existed and one day got lucky to see her show while working at home with HGTV playing in the background, yes I am talking about the talented Sarah Richardson. She has fabulous style, is funky but also mixes in classic. What I ADMIRE and LOVE about her most is that she is shown shopping at places like Lowe's. That makes me smile because as I work on

If you love HGTV like I do you more than likely have watched Design to Sell. It deals with the realty of home selling and buying.Recently, they had an episode that stated the 35 Secrets to Sell. These are basic rules that have been around for a very long time and some times they are easy to overlook. I, as a realtor, have in the past skipped some rules and I feel that it has had an impact on sales price and how quickly a home sells.So, I try to stick to my guns when I work with my clients