Take 2… and Action! HGTV Pilot to Debut Saturday May 7th at 12pm EST

Take 2… and Action! HGTV Pilot to Debut Saturday May 7th at 12pm EST

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Morning friends!! Sorry for the delay and radio silence. But, the day is finally here! Our show is debuting this Saturday, May 7th at 12pm EST on HGTV. I’ve already set my DVR, I cannot believe it’s happening!

As I mentioned on my Instagram account the other day, we have a new name: The pilot is now called, “Move-In Ready”.

I’m thrilled to be able to show you a little bit of Charleston, beautiful characteristics of our architecture and give you a sneak peek into our history.

Thank you to everyone who has left messages and shared our exciting news. Friends and strangers have been beyond kind, and we are truly humbled and grateful for this opportunity. I hope you enjoy the show!

P.S. Don’t forget about our Instagram giveaway with Charming Inns! You have until Saturday midnight to enter!

Move In Ready

I love helping people successfully find and perfect their dream homes in Charleston. This is why I'm dedicated to home selling, buying, decorating, designing and remodeling.