Decorating for the Holidays in Charleston!
I LOVE the holidays… there aren’t many who don’t. This year I definitely love it even more because my youngest is understanding what’s going on, there’s a lot of searching for our Elf on the Shelf, “Elfie”, Christmas movies and lots of talk about Santa.
Each year I get excited to open our huge bins from the attic to remember what I bought the previous year.
One of my favorite ways to decorate the inside of my home is with lots of wreaths or stars hanging on my mirrors, windows and bookshelves. I have 7 throughout my home… I’m sure I could add more if I find some new one’s I like!
I was also very excited to add some Holiday Art that was created by my children (well, my oldest child), and I created something of my own as well. The blue and and green Christmas tree was done by my oldest son and I had it framed. I followed suite by painting a simple yet similar tree on a canvas and purchased a frame for it. It was so easy and definitely an inexpensive way to add some personal decor.
I love Christmas ornaments scattered throughout the home. I added some to my trays, a small Christmas sleigh and bowls.
This year we added some extra trees as well! There is a brightly decorated one on my porch, and to say I’m over the moon would be an understatement!! I’ve always had Christmas tree envy of those who had the bright blues, purples, pink, aqua… (you get what I’m saying) decorations. Now, we have one, and I tell you, it is fun to sit out there and stare at it; especially since we’ve had such AH-MAZING weather here in Charleston! The boys also have one each in their room, I love them as much as they do!
Enjoy your holiday season, and I hope you enjoyed a sneak peek of my decorated home!
P.S. Did you decorate your home this year? Please share photos on my Facebook page! And, if you’ve been a real estate client of mine (or if you’d like to be ;)), then make sure you enter my contest for a free design consultation.